Regional Director’s visit to Ga West Municipal Hospital- Amasaman

The visit of the regional director to Ga West Municipal Hospital marked a pivotal moment in the healthcare landscape of the region. Accompanied by a distinguished entourage, including Dr. Farida Abdullai, Deputy Director of Public Health, Mr. Emmanuel Taadi, Deputy Director of Administration, Ms. Dorothy Mamle Amanor, PRO, and Dr. Gloria Margaretta Chandi, the Municipal Director of Health for Ga West, the event was a testament to the collaborative efforts driving healthcare initiatives.

The regional director’s interactions with the hospital staff and clients showcased a keen interest in understanding the challenges and successes of the facility, fostering a direct line of communication between the leadership and those on the front lines of healthcare delivery.

Dr. Farida Abdullai’s presence underscored the commitment to public health, emphasizing a holistic approach to well-being. The visit provided an opportunity for the entourage to witness firsthand the dedication of the hospital’s staff and the experiences of the clients. Ms. Dorothy Mamle Amanor’s role as the Public Relations Officer ensured that the visit was well-documented, promoting transparency and accountability in healthcare management.

Together, this collaborative effort not only strengthened the bonds within the healthcare leadership but also inspired confidence in the community, signaling a shared commitment to improving healthcare outcomes in the region.